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146 | IAASTD Global Report
Key Messages1. Agriculture is multifunctional and goes far beyond food production. Other important functions for sustainable development include provision of nonfood products; provision of ecological services and environmental protection; advancement of livelihoods; economic development; creation of employment opportunities; food safety and nutritional quality; social stability; maintenance of culture and tradition and identity. However, the promotion and achievement of multifunctionality is hindered by a lack of systematic quantitative and other data that allow a complete assessment of the impacts of wider functions. Nevertheless, enhanced recognition of the wider functions of agriculture has prompted efforts towards developing integrated land use systems that deliver a diverse set of social, economic and environmental functions, and address the tradeoffs between them. 2. Advances in AKST have enabled substantial gains in crop and livestock production, which have reduced levels of hunger and malnutrition. World cereal production has more than doubled since 1961, with average yields per hectare also increasing around 150% in many high- and low-income countries, with the notable exception of most nations in sub-Saharan Africa. Substantial gains in crop and livestock production are due to advances in many types of AKST, including biotechnology (e.g., genetic gain, stress resistance), physical (e.g., fertilizer, irrigation, mechanization), policy (e.g., intellectual property rights, variety release processes), microfinance (e.g., credit, provision of inputs), education and communication (e.g., farmer-field schools), and market and trade (e.g., demand, incentives). More recently, modern biotechnology is starting to have an impact on production. Advances have also been made in fish breeding, tree improvement and in crop and livestock husbandry. All of these advances in agricultural production have contributed to the improvement of many farmers' livelihoods and to economic growth in developed countries, although large deficiencies remain. In real terms food has become cheaper and calorie and protein consumption have increased, resulting in lower levels of hunger. On a global scale, the proportion of people living in countries with an average per capita caloric availability of less than 2200 kcal per day dropped from 57% in the mid-1960s to 10% by the late 1990s. 3. AKST has made some substantial positive contributions to different dimensions of livelihoods. These include:
ronmental sustainability (e.g., watershed management, community forestry management, integrated pest management (IPM) and strengthening of local seed systems) through participatory and community-based approaches to NRM at different scales. 4. Despite much progress in agricultural development, persistent challenges remain.These include:
5. In many instances, AKST has begun to address sustainability challenges with strategies that recognize the production, livelihoods, and ecosystem service |
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